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Danish Modern Goose Feathers Pendant Lamp Hollywood

Danish Modern Goose Feathers Pendant Lamp

Danish Modern Goose Feathers Pendant Lamp Hollywood

Danish Modern Goose Feathers Pendant Lamp

MEDIUM:  d 17.7' x h 11.8

Price: US$179.00


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Please contact us at if you want to buy this item !

Item description:
    • this is one impressive lightweight hanging lamp refracting light through multiple goose feathers rendering it soft and whimsical
    • designed in Denmark by Soren Christensen
    • constructed of approximately 4,500 feathers appliqued over a paper shell
    • all feathers used are a by-product of the food industry that would otherwise would have been burned are instead sanitized and re-purposed thus diminishing the environmental impact
    • NONE of our goose feathers are derived from live or mistreated geese
    • VITA is required by law, and all major retailers around the world, to document the origin and proper handling of all geese and feathers
    • dimensions: MEDIUM:  d 17.7' x h 11.8'
    • dimensions: LARGE:     d 25.6' x h 15.7'
    • dimensions X-LARGE:  d 29.5' x h 17.7'
    • max 15W LED ( E27/E26 )
    • easily cleaned with a hair dryer