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Heavy Sterling Silver Navajo Cuff Bracelet with Royston Turquoise Hollywood

Heavy Sterling Silver Navajo Cuff Bracelet with Royston Turquoise

Heavy Sterling Silver Navajo Cuff Bracelet with Royston Turquoise Hollywood

Heavy Sterling Silver Navajo Cuff Bracelet with Royston Turquoise

Price: US$1,900.00


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Please contact us at if you want to buy this item !

Item description:
    • this is a beautiful heavy Sterling Silver Navajo cuff bracelet inlaid with a stunning oval Royston turquoise centerpiece
    • created around a sunning Royston turquoise stone, the bracelet's intricate and ornate sterling silver base features Navajo motifs to enhances and bring out the beauty of the amazing center piece
    • Turquoise is the gemstone for December
    • signed one of a kind piece made by Cooper Willie
    • made from .925 Sterling Silver
    • approximate band width: 7/8'
    • opening dimensions: 1 1/2'
    • inner circumference 7 1/4'
    • stone dimensions: 1 1/8' x 1 1/2'
    • weight: 123.3 g