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Junzo Sakakura Style MCM Lounge Chair Hollywood

Junzo Sakakura Style MCM Lounge Chair

Junzo Sakakura Style MCM Lounge Chair Hollywood

Junzo Sakakura Style MCM Lounge Chair

w 26' x d 38' x h 30

Price: US$1,295.00


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Please contact us at if you want to buy this item !

Item description:
    • enjoy an iconic piece of mid-century modern design in your home with the Junzo Sakakura Style MCM lounge chair.
    • expertly crafted using the distinctive Junzo Sakakura design of the 1950s, this piece is perfect for anyone looking to transport their interior space to an era of timeless elegance
    • materials: hard Mini wood, cotton
    • available in Off White and Washed Black cotton blend upholstery
    • dimensions: w 26' x d 38' x h 30'
    • seat height: 17'
    • seat depth: 18'
    • discounted $99 SHIPPING WITHIN MAINLAND US!
    • ordering multiples of this item will qualify for reduced combined shipping