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California Homes II: Studio William Hefner Hollywood

California Homes II: Studio William Hefner

California Homes II: Studio William Hefner Hollywood

California Homes II: Studio William Hefner

Price: US$85.00


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Item description:
    • richly illustrated monograph on Hefner's work showcases beautiful homes, from contemporary to traditional, each conveying the details and depth of design character that make Studio William Hefner's oeuvre so unique. Studio William Hefner is a master architect whose California-based luxury residential designs are richly detailed and bright, with private views of abundant landscapes and lush gardens
    • Studio William Hefner's treatise is to create homes that inspire, nurture, and transform the lives of the families who inhabit them* Each home concept is fine-tuned to fulfill the client's dreams and caters to each individual's unique idiosyncrasies
    • the book features the work of the renowned Los Angeles-based firm, Studio William Hefner, a practice that integrates architecture, interior design, and landscape. The studio's impressive portfolio is distinguished by an aesthetic sensibility that merges an elegant simplicity with a luxury of details and materials. Hefner's signature airy, light-filled spaces effortlessly embrace California's natural beauty
    • format: Hardcover
    • pages: 484
    • size: 11.3' x 13.8'
    • publication date: July 31, 2020
    • ISBN: 978-1864707908
    • language: English