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The Life Eclectic Highly Unique Interior Designs from Around the World Hollywood

The Life Eclectic Highly Unique Interior Designs from Around the World

The Life Eclectic Highly Unique Interior Designs from Around the World Hollywood

The Life Eclectic Highly Unique Interior Designs from Around the World

Price: US$50.00


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Item description:
    • The Life Eclectic is a stunning interiors book that celebrates the individuality of eclectic decorating styles through 15 homes of creatives from around the world
    • featuring homes of the world's most well-respected creatives, including Studio MacLean, Manfredi della Gherardesca, and Martin Brudnizki, The Life Eclectic is a celebration of individuality, and embracing the joy that fluidity in taste can bring
    • how often have you leafed through an interiors book and wondered how you might be able to recreate the eclectic, joyful, and chic style of famed designers, when your mis-match belongings seem to juxtapose in all the wrong ways? The Life Eclectic is an interiors book that through carefully selected case studies of homes from the UK, US, Australia, France, and Denmark, shows how highly regarded designers, artists, gallerists and writers curate their treasured (and varied) possessions to glorious effect
    • author: Alexander Breeze
    • format: Hardcover
    • pages: 272
    • size: 10.3' x 12.27'
    • publication date: May 17, 2022
    • ISBN: 9781784884444
    • language: English