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Natural Ammonite with Inlaid Turquoise Sterling Silver Earrings v2 Hollywood

Natural Ammonite with Inlaid Turquoise Sterling Silver Earrings v2

Natural Ammonite with Inlaid Turquoise Sterling Silver Earrings v2 Hollywood

Natural Ammonite with Inlaid Turquoise Sterling Silver Earrings v2

Price: US$198.00


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Please contact us at if you want to buy this item !

Item description:
    • this elegantly simple yet extravagant Jurassic era Ammonite shaped earrings with Turquoise inlays are truly awe inspiring and beautiful.
    • inlaid with cultured opal and hand crafted in .925 Sterling Silver they are a true statement piece fitting dress-up or dress down occasions.
    • their mesmerizing form entrances with its geometric progressions and Ammonites are often called the Fibonaci fossil.
    • Turquoise is the gemstone for December
    • approximate size of fossil centerpiece: 5/8' x 7/8'
    • approximate overall length: 1 1/2'